Monday, November 7, 2011

Anthony Romano Spending Big Bucks to get Re-Elected - Has Mrs. Richard Mason's Money Behind Him

Anthony Romano is spending big bucks to be re-elected as Freeholder of District 5. He was spotted this morning at the ferry campaigning with 2nd Ward City Counilwoman Beth Mason who did everything in her power to blow up the hospital sale and almost plunge Hoboken into bankruptcy to just make Mayor Dawn Zimmer look bad. Beth Mason's scorched earth politics and quest for power have earned her citywide ire and yet Anthony Romano shows poor judgement and still campaigns with one of the most toxic politicians in Hoboken's history. Makes you wonder if he really has Hoboken's best interests at heart. Beth Mason/ Ricky Mason of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz put in $5,000 to Romano's kittle and had distant 3rd place finisher Ines Garcia pimp out the party line with a fluff piece on Romano's minimal accomplishments for Hoboken in The Hudson Reporter. Both Peter Cunningham and Jen Giattino submitted endorsements of me but they were not published by the Hoboken Reporter.

Below is the cover page from Anthony Romano's 11 day Election report filed late on November 4, 2011. To date Anthony Romano has raised over $108,000 for his re-election and spent over $82,000. Looks like he wants his county car and all the perks really bad. He has essentially ran a campaign of prestige while I have run one on platform. To date I have spent about $1300 and am self-funded to $2500.

Anthony Romano is getting big financial support from HUMC Deal Destroyer Beth Mason as well as Hudson County Bosses like O'Donnel, North Bergen Democrats and Bayonne Mayor Mark Smith. No wonder Hoboken gets back pennies on the dollar for its $46 million we paid in 2010. Anthony Romano is beholden to County Bosses!

Even Peter Cammarano slate-mate Mike Novak who ran with the corrupt Mayor Cammarano who made the classic mistake of going to a money drop with his bag man and Tom Degise get into the act with their contributions.

For reference the latest ELEC reports of Anothony Romano below:

Anthony Romano 11 Day ELEC Report Filed November 4th:

Anthony Romano 29 Day ELEC Report Filed November 4th:

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